
27 August 2018
with an addition on 14 October 2020

Marianne Haslev Skånland:

Some professional child experts (2)
Kjell Olaf Edvardsen, psychologist

Translations from Norwegian are mine.
The network KIB does not appear to have given themselves an official English title.

Psychologist Edvardsen is a member of KIB –
Kompetansenettverket Kvalitet i Barnevern (The competence network Quality in Child Protection).

In connection with an interview of this group in the newspaper Dagbladet about, among other issues, a meeting between them and Solveig Horne, the Minister for Children and Equality at the time, we find the following:

"KIB-psykologene følte at statsråden virkelig lyttet til hva de hadde å si under møtet torsdag.    
    - Vi blir tatt på alvor og sett på som noe annet enn en rabulistisk aktivistorganisasjon for misfornøyde foreldre og forsvarere av det biologiske prinsipp, sier psykolog Kjell Olaf Edvardsen."
(The KIB psychologists felt that the Minister really listened to what they had to say during the meeting on Thursday.
    – We are taken seriously and are considered as something other than an agitational activist organisation for discontented parents and defenders of the biological principle, says psychologist Kjell Olaf Edvardsen.)

Ekspertnettverket KIB vil endre barnevernet
Møtte ekspertene som slår alarm om barnevernet: Horne er enig i kritikken
(The expert network KIB will change the CPS (Barnevernet)
Met the experts who sound the alarm about Barnevernet: Horne agrees with the criticism)
Dagbladet, 26 June 2017

Edvardsen's statement about parents and about the biological principle speaks for itself.

Dagbladet also had an article the previous month concerning the establishment of KIB and their planning of meetings with the Minister for children and with the Ombudsman for children:
Ekspertnettverk vil bedre barnevernet
 – Vi jobber ikke for barnas beste ved å knuse foreldrene. De blir en pariakaste
(Expert network wants to improve the CPS (Barnevernet)
 – We do not work for children's best interest by smashing the parents. They become a pariah caste)
Dagbladet, 5 May 2017

The article interviews Einar Salvesen, Ragnhild Pettersen, Kari Killén and Kjell Olaf Edvardsen. About Edvardsen we are told:
"Kjell Olaf Edvardsen er psykolog med 20 års erfaring som psykologisk sakkyndig i flere fylkesnemnder."
(Kjell Olaf Edvardsen is a psychologist with 20 years of experience as an expert in several county boards.)

Edvardsen himself:
"Jeg har jobbet som sakkyndig i tre ulike fylkesnemnder i 20 år. I rundt 30 prosent av sakene, gikk jeg ut med en kvalmende fornemmelse av at dette ikke ble helt riktig. Og som psykologisk sakkyndig står du der som nemndas faglige alibi, sier psykolog Kjell Olaf Edvardsen."
(I have worked as an expert in three different county boards for 20 years. In about 30 per cent of the cases I experienced at the finish of the cases a nauseating feeling of this not being quite right. And as a psychological expert you are the board's child-professional alibi, says psychologist Kjell Olaf Edvardsen.)

Relevant questions are then: Why has psychologist Edvardsen acted in such a way in a third of the cases as to give him a nauseating feeling? Why has he continued in this way for 20 years? And why does he not see the situation as anything worse than 'not quite right'?


I have not heard of later opinions coming from him expressing any modification of his views on his own professional activities, nor on parents who value the biological principle or on children's needs.


Some professional child experts
27 August 2018 –
