27 November 2017
The children of the state –
The Norwegian child protection agency, Barnevernet, has created a society of fear
By Jan Pedersen
Søgne, Vest-Agder County
Are Norwegian politicians not going to intervene and stop the way Barnevernet is carrying on? When will a protest ripen against voting for Fremskrittspartiet (the Progress Party), government Minister Solveig Horne being the top political authority for what many call 'the institution of fear', Barnevernet.
From several countries around Europe there is now an alert, people crying out that Norway builds on the foundation of children being 'children of the state'!
This was the assertion of the Nazis, leading to the great spiritual battle during the war. At that time, the bishops and most religious ministers of the church resigned office, or they were arrested. So were the teachers, and parents supported the struggle maintaining that they were the ones with a right to their children. The state had no rights here! This was the core of the matter.
Today, dedicated troops battle against what is happening in Norway: the same that we fought against during the war. We do not fight for the children of the state, but for the parents' children.
The politicians come up with new laws, new regulations to keep the parents away – they who hold the very first right to their children!
I had an experience of these ideas last week, when 150 people turned up for a meeting arranged by Senioruniversitetet (the senior university) in Søgne. The senior university had invited as their lecturer someone from Barnevernet's system: the leader of the County Board for CPS and social matters in Agder (the southernmost counties in Norway, where Søgne is located). Hardly any time at all had been reserved for opinions or debate.
At the same time, now on 24th November, a tough article, 'Tsjekkisk politiker med knallhardt angrep på norsk barnevern' (Czech politician with rock hard attack on Norwegian Barnevern), has appeared in 247Avisen, after a showing of a documentary, 'Children of the state', on Czech TV last Tuesday. It is about the Norwegian CPS Barnevernet. Czech Christian-democrat politician Tomas Zdechovsky, a member of the European Parliament, after the program voiced strong criticism of Norwegian Barnevernet, holding it to have led to Norwegian society becoming a society of fear. He was interviewed in ParlamentníListy.cz. He has gone thoroughly into how Barnevernet operates. He said that many Norwegians shy away from expressing their opinions of Barnevernet publicly, in order not to end up in their clutches themselves.
Czech newspapers are of the opinion, having watched the documentary, that Barnevernet builds on a communistic idea. The ideal is that of a better day tomorrow with perfect parents and happy children!
Parliamentarian Zdechovsky considers Barnevernet's many removals of children from biological parents to foster parents to be violations of human rights.
It is up to the Norwegian people, then, to decide whether they will stop this, by taking away from the Progress Party the power they execute. The government seems to understand only one kind of language: people's refusal to vote in the parliamentary elections for those who practice this ideology of children belonging to the state.
In the meantime, Minister Solveig Horne continues the present policy, as if the children belong to the state!