
10 January 2015

A 'child protection' employee with child pornography

by Marianne Haslev Skånland

Clearly the child protective services (CPS) as a place of employment easily attract people with a 'special interest' in children. In this case, close to Oslo in Norway, the police get hold of the child protector interested in child pornography:

Barnevernsansatt knuste egen pc (CPS employee smashed his own pc)
Da barnevernspedagogen (29) fikk politiet på døren hjemme stormet han opp i andre etasje og knuste pc-en sin med en hammer. (When the child protection social worker (29) had the police arrive on his doorstep at home, he dashed upstairs and smashed his pc with a hammer.)
Budstikka, 9 January 2015

"I dommen skriver tingrettsdommer Cecilie Walnum om 29-åringens planer.
    – Tiltalte hadde åpenbart en noe urealistisk forventning om at en frifinnende dom vil igjen gjøre ham arbeidsfør, og han hadde planer om å bli fosterhjem for gutter i alderen 14–21 år..."

(In the judgment of the district court, judge Cecilie Walnum writes, concerning the plans of the 29-year-old:
    – The accused obviously had a somewhat unrealistic expectation of acquittal, which would again make it possible for him to work, and he had plans of setting up a foster home for boys 14-21 years of age...)


Ah well, so he wants/wanted to run a foster home. He would surely have been licensed to do so, if the police had not happened to nab him. Hardly anybody in the CPS or associated with them is responsible enough and has a realistic understanding of the world to make him fit to uncover such recreational pursuits with colleagues/chums – the emphasis is rather on soupy talk about children's needs, horrible parents, and their own excellence.

This is actually not the first time I hear rumours or even documented stories of criminals finding the child protection services a handy base to operate from, or within. Once it concerned a case worker in the CPS – in a case in which the CPS behaved atrociously to the family – who was suddenly not to be found in his office by the desperate family who tried to get hold of him. It turned out that he had been taken by the police in a car full of money and weapons.

So the child protection services do not actually guarantee all that much protection.
